Surgent CPA Review partners with
Surgent CPA Review is proud to partner with TaxSlayer to help you pass the CPA Exam. Surgent’s highly personalized exam prep includes:
- 92% pass rate and 100% moneyback guarantee
- The industry’s best time-saving features
- Real-time updates that ensure the course is aligned with tax changes
TaxSlayer customers save 20% on Surgent CPA Review with code TAXSLAYER20CPA.

Looking for an individual section?
How A.S.A.P.® Technology saves you time:

Complete a series of quizzes with content pulled from all exam categories. At the end of the assessment, receive a diagnostic report detailing starting strengths and weaknesses.

Surgent’s software continuously analyzes unique scoring patterns and builds a custom study plan, focusing on the specific content preparers need to learn to pass the exam. Meanwhile, real-time algorithms optimize the study plan along the way.

Unlimited practice exams ensure students will be ready come exam day. And with Surgent’s ReadySCORE™ feature, you’ll know exactly when you’re ready to sit for the exam.
By minimizing your study time, targeting your weaknesses, and boosting exam-day confidence, Surgent will fully prepare you for the CPA Exam.